100,000 hits deserves a treat
Yes 100,000 hits in 19 months it’s great & deserves a treat for our readers, the first is from the late Phil Irving printed in Motorcycle Action 1975, this is history straight from the designer himself & possibly the most revered designer & practical engineer of the 20th if not 21st Century undoubtably without question. I can say as I have met the man on numerous times & even eaten with him & although he passed away in 1992 I am still in awe of him not many designers can lay claim to Repco Brabbam engine, Vincent-H.R.D engine design, Velocette M Series which eventually became a Thruxton, & even the humble LE Velocette among many other things. The other treat is from our Facebook page which has a life of its own & thanks to Ian Rhook for this. This is a man who obviously existed before T.V(I hope) & had tons of time on his hands, who re-invented a Indian Fore-Car, these existed very early in motorcycle history before sidecars were invented, but unlike this one the passenger sat in front in a wicker seat, rider rode in the normal position whispering “sweet nothings” into the shell like ear of his beloved. Hmmm this guy obviously was single and wanted all the advantages of riding a motorcycle but in the sidecar, I would have bought either a car or a fairing never mind, but what a waste of an Indian & Indian sidecar