Another excellent Rally and the report is in section news by Pete Kime

Currently prices for a good Indian Mini-Mini is $16,000 and the X-90 “Shortster”Ferguson is about a quarter of that if your lucky and because they are little they don’t even make a good boat anchor like their bigger brothers, seriously though this seems to match both brands larger versions with a Indian always out pricing a H-D

Some people in our Association love Triumphs beside myself ,Garry Hogg, Chris Horner, & Pete Kime to name a few, so lads how about this the ultimate Indian or ultimate Triumph depends on how you think this little beauty has been converted to hand shift as well to make it even better.

The next Sunday ride in July is a combined ride with the VRV (Vincent Riders Victoria) the link is below, thanks to Richard Onyon. We are reliant on the weather of course so if its fine we will do the full trip to Yea if not the ride will terminate at the Flying Tarts in Kinglake after morning tea, we are hoping for the best but lets try and show the Vincent guys up by outnumbering them on our Indians.

You know the really weird thing about IIRA rallies or events is how many people say they are looking forward to the next one or we need more things like this, problem is zero support. For example everybody wants more social events for their partner to participate in, so we organise a Christmas in July dinner at a really nice hotel, and guess how many people are coming, 15,20, 25 no about eight yes thats right EIGHT. So how about the rallies that should pull at least 25,30 or more well no about 12-16 if we are lucky, what about Association rides then surely at least 15 or more, no actually 6-8 on average. So you hard working committee decided that if we cant get your support with some events then we will invite VRV (Vincent Riders Victoria) members to a few rides and rallies as the have plenty in common with IIRA this is happening next July monthly ride and the Crazy Horse Rally in October, guess what the VRV members are booking out the accomodation at The Southern Grampians Cottages, already and guess what our complacent members will miss out and have to go 5 klms away from the rally headquarters as Dunkeld is really only a village, oh well we can only say when you ask at the end of September you were told months in advance the entries for the event have been out 2 weeks already. If you want to go to the Christmas in July ring Pete Kime now or if you want to go to the Crazy Horse Rally fill out the entry under to Town Crier.

At the meeting last night a member asked about our new website and a preview of what its like. Click the link below

Matching number articles

This year we have quite a few changes in the way our rallies are being run, firstly shared rallies & some rides these are being introduced to quell the complacency of some members in our Association to book a rally in the last week (or days) and expect the food and accomodation will all be organised as if they are royalty those days are passed folks. The new way is a Expression of Interest form will be posted (electronically) or texted at least 6 weeks before the event hastily followed by a rally entry in the following 2 weeks. All entries will close a month before the event and must be paid for before the rally and if you want to enter later, fine organise your own accomodation and meals. We are running this years Crazy Horse at Dunkeld Vic and its a very small town so we have booked one place out completely to ensure we will not be left with rooms we have decided to combine with VRV (Vincent Riders Victoria) they are a very keen new group and are eager to participate in our well planned rally. So whats it mean to you, well no problems all accomodation is booked through Peter Kime and Iron Indian members have first option, VRV are second so make a commitment pay early and fill in your entry form early to ensure your in. The rally link is above and in the calendar area

The Way Back app has captured our website from 2012 over seven years ago we started in 2010 its a good bit of history

2012 LINK