
Indian Motorcycle, America’s first motorcycle company, continues its trip toward the historic unveiling of the completely new Indian Motorcycle. Burt Munro made history by setting a land speed record on the world’s fastest Indian®, a 1920 Indian® Scout®. To salute his passion for performance, we created The Spirit of Munro, a tribute streamliner powered by the new Thunder Stroke™ 111.Watch The Spirit of Munro turn back the clock and speed into the future of Indian Motorcycle with high-speed runs across a California dry lake bed. Then, take a look at the inspired handcrafting and dedicated teamwork that went into bringing the streamliner to life. We hope this short movie stirs something in you as much as it has us. This one’s for you, Burt.  Play Video: TRIBUTE: THE SPIRIT OF MUNRO AT SPEED


Overhead Valve 1946 Indian Chief from Australia. I always look forward to the first Sunday in May. The annual “Great Race” a time trial challenge between Indian and Harley held in Melbourne Australia. This years event has brought out a development project “THE INDIAN TOMAHAWK” from a new source. WIGWAM ENGINEERING. Peter Arundel’s love of the Indian Marquis combined with engineering expertise of well known motor engineer Lindsay Urquhart have release to the public their first prototype ever of a RUNNING Overhead valve modern combustion chamber enclosed rocker box Indian. What they have created is fantastic. Not just a wooden prototype or a S & S replica Harley. I have heard it running and all I can say is WOW where do I place my order. It Revs like a Ducati but sounds like a fire breathing Indian. 90 Hp has been mentioned as not unreasonable.

What is standard Indian 1946 Chief from the outside

* All the bottom end including Crankcases, Gearbox, Primary

* Exhaust system (That’s correct a standard 46 exhaust will plug straight in)

What they have added.

* Barrels, modern cylindrical design to eliminate traditional side valve distortion problems.

* Heads based on a late model combustion chamber design complete with a finned exhaust header to simulate a standard Indian sidevalve barrel exhaust port

* Rocker covers designed to simulate the appearance of a standard Indian side valve head.

* The Spark plugs are on the opposite side near the 42mm Mikuni carby.

* Lower frame tube under the gas tanks has had to be made removable to allow in the frame valve adjustments.

* To allow for the extra height of the overhead valves they have had to add one or two fins to the standard Indian configuration but they have

maintained the same fin spacing as the original design. (Thanks to Gary Stark from Starklite Cycles)



741 Barmored chiefsSnow Ski

I reckon there is, its winter in the Southern Hemisphere & although not as cold as in the far Northern Hemisphere, it’s still cold & wet & no thats not me on the Indian ski sled as it does’nt snow in Melbourne. For our local members the Association monthly run is to Meridith with some members from the Classic Club meeting us for lunch & yes the weather man has promised showers, Chief Rain in the Face is riding along with us. Personally although the 741 in the above picture looks damn ugly the winter windscreen & legshields are a bonus at this time of year, same as the armoured version but I think plenty of power would be lost with either accessory. I am currently adding a set of “Heat Demon” grip warmers to my 2002 Indian Gilroy this week-end for a little comfort. Meanwhile thanks for the support & interest on the site with now over quarter million hits it encourages all of us to keep the enthusiasm bubbling along, we have some new surprises coming up with our 16 page all Indian calendar coming up for sale soon with Association Members machines featured from 1907-2013 these will be able to be bought of the site as we are starting a Pay Pal account for overseas Indian owners to purchase on line as they say in the classics “Stay Tuned”

Indian 1944

If you have a bike on Club Plates and have not paid your Association subscription by June 30 YOU maybe responsible for a few people being Red Faced. First, your Association secretary is required BY LAW to advise VicRoads of any member who ceases to remain financial, who has a Red plate issued thru your Association. Irrespective of the status of your payments to VicRoads – once this happens your bike is legally UNREGISTERED. So let’s try to avoid Peter Kime being Red Faced by paying your club dues TODAY. Second, if you are stopped by the Police or a VicRoads officer, while riding your Association Registered bike but without being a current financial member of our Association, the police office may well be Red Faced as he issues you with a $706 fine plus 4 points off your licence for operating an unregistered vehicle. And finally, you may well be Red Faced when you are prevented by the same officer from riding away from the scene, being forced to leave the bike where it is till you can arrange to have it transported  (in the hope you can do so before it’s damaged or stolen). So, please help all retain their composure by ensuring you get your membership renewal form (below) and payment to Pete now.Those paid up before the end of July get a free Indian 16 month calendar produced by IIRA worth $30.00

New member Harald Schaaf’s 1944 Chief  he’s all paid up

2013 Membership Application form (download)





Things are tough over the pond in America, but a light hearted look at Indians latest TV campaign, the Harley -Ferguson boys hopefully can see the joke (click on the link below)

Indian Motorcycle TV Advert

1917 Indian1917 Indian 1

VINTAGE 1917 COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH: motorcycle excursion to Ross, Tasmania. This very early and faded “PAGET COLOUR” photograph is by H J King, and that’s him riding the motorcycle. Lucy King (in the sidecar in these pictures) told me that these were taken ‘in her courting days’ when H J’s family owned the cycle shop in Launceston. They had the Tasmanian agency for ‘Indian’ Motorcycles. The image is from a glass lantern slide transparency, 3 1/4 inches square, which I copied to Kodachrome with Lucy’s permission in 1982. Paget colour was a fore-runner of the Finlay colour process, though its colours were not so true, and the fine primary colour dot-mosaic through which the emulsion was exposed, and later projected, used fugitive dyes which faded badly. I have tried every software manipulation known to recover what little colour remains in these Paget plates after 96 years, and this is the best that I can do with this and its companion slide. The Paget colour photography process was most notably used by Frank Hurley on the famous Shackleton Antarctic expedition of 1914-16. Hurley also subsequently used the Paget Process to take official Australian army photos of battles in the latter part of World War One. Thanks member Rodger Beimers for this interesting bit of Australian History & to all involved to give a us a little more appreciation of past times

Phillip White relaxingPhillip White relaxing

Some of our more colourful members Phillip & Dorothy White have been missed for our midst for close to 5 months now, they have been staying in France & have now moved to USA. Phillip as we all know is never a man to hide his “Light under a bushel” has been in a few adventures here but in France & America there are many surprises ie: a blown con-rod in Europe, having been told he is deaf to avoid being placed in custody in US & this is in a very short period of time, anyway Dorothy has sent us 3 instalments you can either the Membership heading above then navigate to Section News on to Victorian Section or click on the link below While your in that Area check the W.Australia Section their monthly Newsletters are great

Phillip & Dorothy’s Adventures




It’s that time of the year for renewing your Association membership. Midnight on June 30 is the crunch time on which your Iron Indian Riders, Victoria Section membership expires, provided you have not already completed and sent off the renewal included in your current edition of Smoke Signals which you will receive within the next 10 days.

Not all that important?  Well blow me down, if you have a vehicle on club (red) plates it just might be. When you have a vehicle on Victorian club plates, in order for the club registration to be valid you MUST be a financial member of the club that the rego was arranged through.  If you are NOT financial then your vehicle club registration is INVALID – as far as the cops are concerned it’s no ifs and no buts.   In Victoria this means you would be charged with operating an unregistered vehicle – penalty is a whopping $706 PLUS 4 demerit points.  To add to the ignominy – the cops will NOT let you drive/ride away plus they will not be responsible for your vehicle if you leave it unattended where it is.

So – if you have not done it already – you may just want to send your membership renewal off to our secretary Peter Kime any day now. By the way, failing to have a valid and correct log book with you when operating your club registered vehicle attracts EXACTLY the same penalty.

2013 Membership Application form (download)

board track crashCrashed OutfitCrashed ScoutOver cooked it!4 Indian crashCrashed Gilroy

Always sad to see a crashed motorcycle a Indian even more so, these six are over 90 years apart & I’m not sure how the riders of each made out hopefully fine, this brings me to winter which is well upon us, the roads are wet & greasy take care

Straw victoriousMark & Dark Horse

Two of the above people will be glad to help & the first one is member John”Straw” who runs Antique Motorcycles 03 9583 9922 in Cheltenham Melbourne. John is a colourful chap with plenty of experience & banter he has a good knowledge back-up as well, the other good thing is he will not only supply but also fit your parts if needed as they have a great workshop facility, Straw recently got a huge inventory of spares from USA he will also sell you a complete motorcycle if needed. The other is Mark Barthelmie from Zorro’s Apparel   0433106669 Mark is also the President of the IIRA of Aust and a dead keen Indian owner who together with his charming wife Sandy, run a great business in Mordialloc supplying a huge range of clothing & accessories for all your motorcycling needs (click on highlights)