I have put a link on our YouTube Area for this link,there are now 64 to view. Road Safety was important in 1955 as much as it is in 2011-12 & especially at this time with holidays fast approaching, the 30 min clip from 1955 is virtually as relevant now as it was then, although there are less regard for horses, enjoy Rode Safety 1955 (click on Highlight) The International Gypsie Tour 2012 from W.A expression of interest form is attached all details in Upcoming Events Area

Gypsie Tour 2012


Burt with 2 Indian's

There has been a bit of updating in the Members Only Area recently including the continuing sage on Timmerman electric starters, this will be soon in your forthcoming quarterly  Smoke Signals Magazine due I believe before Christmas, Guy Allen should have a bumper issue out to keep you all entertained over the New Year. These are two extra advantages for people who are thinking of joining the best Indian M/cycle movement in Australia, we have more runs,meetings & rallies than anyone else in Aussie interested in Indian’s, topped off with a Facebook Page and a popular website constantly updated & nearing 60,000 hits from all over the world in 16 months! I and all financial members are  very proud of the new editors achievement’s in the Smoke Signals Magazine, it is a good balance of technical articles & recent reports on rallies or monthly runs without being full of unnecessary photo’s or what happened at meetings 3 months ago which unfortunately happens in various other Clubs I am in. The support from all our current Members has been fantastic, people that went on the Peninsula Run last week have demanded another one next year, this was only achieved by a single member who took time & effort to organise a very enjoyable day, well done Chris & thank you. The Lakes & Craters Weekend is going to be another not to be missed in February with Ian Rhook let loose in his “Old Stamping Ground” at Camperdown,we are inviting our Warrnambool members, & friends to enjoy the Saturday-Sunday Runs with us  all being well with Chief-Rain-in-the Face & the weather I am really looking forward to it, 2012 is going to be busy for us with, Lakes & Craters, The Great Race, Sitting Bull Rally,, Crazy Horse Rally(3 days) Gypsey Tour from W.Aust, Bay to Birdwood in S.Aust, not counting all our Monthly Runs, so you have the rest of this month & the next to fettle your Indian start now.Thought I would put a couple of pictures on the site in case you get bored with all the writing, as one member quoted about a recent book published on Indian’s. One is Burt with 2 Indians, a Standard Scout & his record breaker, the other from our friends at Twin City Indian this shot appears to be 1947-48  

Chris Horner has sent  this link from YouTube to us, which I have added it to our YouTube Area, its very, very funny.

Harley Owners advice ( Click on highlight)


Congratulations to Vice-President Mark Barthelmie on his engagement to Sandy Ayre the first of such things in our Association, I believe wedding plans are in place for middle of 2012 all the best Mark & we look forward to meeting Sandy next week at the Sunday Monthly Run on 04/12/11

Occasionally I mention the Links area as there are many great suppliers that I and others in our Association have used with good results in the past. I have just added a guy in Canada, Janous Napierala that has in past offered great service, on ebay his tag is “Speedo Rat” the web site is a wealth of hard to get parts i.e. speedo,drives,tags,distributors etc for nearly all model Indians, although most things are listed “ring for a price” it’s worth it. I have had a “Red Bar “Corbin overhauled by a well known local Victorian agent  at vast expense in the past & after 3 times gave up with severe needle flicking between 40-60 MPH which now is repaired properly by Janous  www.speedoshop.net (click on highlight) Just noticed in Saturdays AGE newspaper Victory M/cycles advertising for  marketing, sales reps & potential agents for Indian to contact them anyone need a job, click on link below

Indian Job Advert

There is some time to prepare for this event Easter 2012, last year they featured BSA Goldstar, but next year Motorcycling Australia are celebrating 111 years of Indian & as that encompasses our Association perfectly we should start planning it now. I know Easter is a bad time but you will not have to stay 2 days the Saturday will be great for riding (display runs) your machine on the circuit, a swap meet is going to be on with the first 50 sites free, ring 03 96840515 and ask Peter Drakford for more information. Next Sunday is the Christmas Party, with a fantastic ride the week-end after to wind up the year for us don’t forget the Association meeting on 29/11/11. Meanwhile work on my “new” 1948 Chief is continuing rapidly, finished re-bushing the forks, overhauling the gearbox, tyres, & chains fitted with a new front brake plate, speedo & drive, toolbox, repair chain guard, new wiring & cables, horn, and I have replaced the Chummie with a solo seat, don’t ask about the bank balance. This is a all black model with a very average paint job so nobody will realise the 2nd Mortgage that’s gone into it, this is something common to all Indian owners the sheer cost to get the bloody things going, Phillip White I expect will write another article on this someday soon. Getting back to common problems in 1946-52 Chief’s, I have had three with cracked front brake plates around the support mount where it bolts through the fork, Ian Rhook has had one rip out & it was messy I will advise you all to check this if you have one of the models that is around that era, if in doubt re-new, both Starklite & Jerry Greer have them in stock for under $150


We have just signed up a new member the V-President’s brother Rick, big deal you might say, but Ric came with a 1960 Indian Trailblazer that he just bought from Classic Style & does this look a picture of a happy man or not? Sam Vella just got his 1938 Indian Sport Scout from Ian Pride at the Bendigo Swap meet over the weekend, Sam has been waiting a long time to afford this machine now hopefully he’s saving for the right riding apparel

The other thing is this years Christmas Party to be held on 27/11/11 midday at Antique Motorcycles 1 Grange Rd Cheltenham 3192 details will be posted on the Events page



Not a bad line-up for a run in the countryside...

The latest monthly run for the Melbourne crew got a good turn-out – maybe it was the promise of a shed tour at the other end.

Read all about it in Section News

In August I was pleased to announce 30,000 hits & now in November another 20,000 have been added, thanks again for the support, local people  need to join our section as the website is only a fraction of the benefit of being in the best Indian Association in Australia without doubt. Remember tomorrow is the Monthly Run and the weather is going to be great 32C. We are incorporating the first “Explore a Members Shed” highlight in this one hopefully many more of these in the future, the picture above is another classic shot available from Twin City Indian I have a few more of these to come so anyone wanting to purchase any please look up our previous Post on how to obtain copies

We have all seen photos of Indian Hillclimbers in the old days yawn, well how about this one for the 21st Century? Ian Rhook posted this on our Facebook page Indian 100cu Powerplus engined hillclimber  the torque must be unbelievable. Don’t forget this Sunday’s Association Monthly Run weather forecast is 33c so no complaints about rain