On 03/08/10 exactly 1 year ago we took the then nervous look at firing up our web-site, some members of other clubs said it would be a “Dead Horse” as no one would be bothered to look at it after the first time! History has proved this was not a fact, I would thank you all for your support at keeping me & others inspired to keep it up to date, also for all the members that either sell,advertise, or view our Youtube area, maybe even checking in on the Parts & Repairers area for  who we support in our Association as well as all our Advertisers, this is all only possible with feed-back from you all, so keep anything that might be significant that you might want to send in (Indian orientated of course) a we will put it on the site for others to enjoy. Meanwhile the site is constantly improving with quite a few changes in the pipeline so as they say in the classic’s “Tune in for the next exciting instalment”


Dick Grylls our N.T section organiser is having a few medical procedures  & is temporarily little worse for wear just like to wish him all the best & get well soon from his fellow IIRA members

VicRoads Red Plate Permit updates (Click on highlight ) New Red Plate Scheme

The second one of John McDonald’s collection it’s the Indian I want in my collection

1912 Indian Board track Racer No 78D070 (Click on highlight to read article or pictures to get a larger view)









Our Members-Only area has a new review: Guy Allen’s story on his Chief Vintage, from Motorcycle Trader magazine. The download is about 1.6 meg for the full-colour magazine article linked to the accompanying video. Grab your password in your latest Smoldering Embers and have a look…

As promised for you Springfield lads this is the 1920’s Hillclimber that’s owned by NSW’s John McDonald, John has provided some information & I will be placing a few more of his Indian’s  on our site soon so click on the highlighted area & enjoy. I need similar articles to keep a balanced view on all Indian’s, whatever the era, even your Papoose, Indian Go-kart, OutBoard Motor or Indian Suspension units that are fitted to your old car will do. If you would like see some other period Indian advertisements like the Outboard one here check the bottom of the Contacts Area. Don’t forget this Tuesday’s Association Meeting at Highway 31 Cafe  1920’s Hillclimber-2









Phillip White Relaxing

The long awaited final chapter by Phillip White that you have all been waiting to read & it is well worth waiting for.For the Springfield owners I am preparing to give you a feast in the next couple of days on John McDonalds racers & the factory board tracker in the next instalment, Phillip White is ready to submit the article on the Timmerman Electric starter upgrade but this will be in the new Members only Area. I have also placed Phillip’s article in News & Reviews Area with all the previous lead-up articles. (double click on highlighted link)    NOT JUST A TEE SHIRT COMPANY

Thats right 40 Indian’s for sale in the most up-to-date website in Australia in the Trading Post area, all advertised for free, no $1000 fee here. We can advertise your Indian or parts right now & you don’t pay a “cracker”even if you are not a member of our Association, only one obligation on your part tell us when it’s sold as we don’t want dead Indian’s cluttering our site for month’s or even years, like on other sites. We are at nearly 28,000 hits in under 12 months so it makes sense, averages out at 580+ a week looking at us.

As I said before going to the “Old Dart” that the Members Only area would open in July, this is password protected so as a preview I have copied the Technical Articles from the Tech articles area, which is now deleted.That area has now become  “News & Reviews” & will feature articles from members willing to share their experiences, the Members Only are will feature articles that are more cutting edge such as the modifications to make the Timmerman Electric starter function and the parts & machining to eliminate the built in problems I will put that in next month, Meanwhile as a preview, the password is for this month only  scout ,after this month it will not be open to the public & the new password will be in place hopefully this may encourage more members to join our Association. A new Flag Counter is also due to come on line & also a bit more organisation to the YouTube Area with each view set into categories, the new format for the “Flipping Book” in the on-line Smoke Signals is being set up as well, so plenty happening to your web-site, we have just clocked over 25,000 hits on May 24th we were at 19,000 this means 41 days= 6,000 hits, thanks for the support.

We are also requesting your Annual Subs to be paid, as well as deposits for those thinking of going to New Zealand $1,000 deposit to be sent to the Treasurer please chaps. People paying by BSB direct deposit please give your name as reference we have had 2 people pay their annual subs into the account with no reference to who they are if you have done this please contact Peter Kime. Peter has also updated the membership form & it is now on our site thats all for today

Is this where they all come from?

Our President's own drop

Call the R.S.P.C.A!

How Do You Know Your In England?

A  fairly reasonable question beside petrol costing $2.06 a litre, weather being fine but raining & cold in just hours, (although nice today), farmers complaining about drought & water restrictions is some areas. But the most telling answer is where else can a man get a good ‘Spotted Dick’ these days? Before all the ladies in the Association have a fainting turn, it’s not at all what you think, its a dessert, a small pudding served with custard! My daughter Bonnie is still laughing about me ordering it in the Pub last night with a very quiet voice, just in case the gay guy from Little Britain (TV Series) was in the area.




We only have one award in the IIRA, The Clubman of the Year, it was presented last night to Ian (Reg) Rhook. Ian deserves this highly regarded award for all the effort in attending nearly all our Association Runs & organizing some of them as well as marshalling quite a few, congratulations Ian & thanks for your effort

A bit of interesting reading from the Durango Herald, Colorado, in the USA.

“Nestled in the Pine River Valley north of Bayfield, Jeff Grigsby bends metal and sculpts frames, restoring historic Indian motorcycles to their original condition.

“From the outside, this 9,500-square-foot red barn is an unassuming place to find a full-fledged machine shop dedicated exclusively to the restoration and refurbishment of Indian motorcycles. No signs advertise the business, and Grigsby does little to draw attention to his unique craft – relying instead on word of mouth.”

See this link