How to invest in a Classic Indian



Member Jon Munn has for years advised to invest in Classic bikes & John Gee from Antique Motorcycles repeats the same thing so do I, the beauty of all this is that you can still enjoy riding your investment unlike your share profile when things taper off. Lee Carnihan sent this much appreciated article below in investments and please click on highlighted link below

I thought you might be interested in sharing this article about classic motorcycles with your members of the Iron Indian Riders. It mentions the Indian Chief Steve McQueen owned which was sold for 108,000 AUD last year. If any of your members have one of these beautiful machines tucked away at the back of their garage then they might be sitting on a goldmine. Mind you, I’m sure they know that already and like Indian Chiefs regardless of how much they’re sold for at auction, but I thought they might be interested in hearing about Steve McQueen anyway. It also features some advice from Sybil de Bidaph, member of the Indian Riders Motorcycle Club.

Lee Carnihan

How to Invest in a Classic Indian