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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

The Great race season is in the air

Jon Munn is all ready for the Great Race in Tasmania on 12-13 of this month on the 1916 Power Plus, so are the rest of us that are “cutting-out” […]

ride proceedure

Recently there has been a bit of talk on rider etiquette and Peter Kime just sent me a procedure that the Williamstown Club uses and I have a old one […]

Fournales for Scout

At last decent rear shocks for your Scout, expensive yes but the very best and available from an old mate Le Frog, Bertrand Cadart  with no “Topping -out” would be […]

Don’t forget Tonights meeting

From Peter Kime this advert shows the four speed gearbox was stock on this model, shame they never continued