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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Has it a matching engine number, who gives a rats

Just noticed a Triumph bobber advertised on Evil Bay it’s listed as a matching frame/engine bike, thats ridiculous as it has a late front end and a hard tail frame […]

What have all these blokes have in common?

They were all once Associate or new Indian Owners that embraced our policy of  “you don’t have to have one to be one” Richard Onyon owned  Gilroy Chief , then […]

At last Laurie is on the road

Laurie Keenan one of our most enthusiastic members has just got his C344 Chief on the road, Laurie has done his in Royal Australian Navy livery which is quite a […]

Can a Prince cut the mustard in 2015?

The Indian Prince as Daryl Colt says about his bike pictured above” For people who can’t afford a Scout” Daryl is the bloke that started with a Prince oil stain […]