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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Where’s the DeLorean time machine?

The Indian and sidecar at £85 is a bargain, question here is what is a Sleepette?

Its Harley Friday

  Surprising how many people ask about this blog about the poor mans Indian owners our beloved HOG Riders, well a fine selection of the more intelligent owners of the […]

Those other Indians in 1949

  You read all the history books on Indian in 1949 and it was the equivalent of the Dark Ages, speculation and rumours, but beside the supposed six Chiefs with […]

Steering Dampers for outfits & solo’s

  It always amazes me to see a Springfield Indian owner riding a outfit without the optional (read necessary) steering damper still available from some suppliers. Some fit the more […]