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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

The preview of the new Dark Horse & Bomber?

This is supposed to be one of the final prototype”s before the launch next week, looking forward to see the Chief Springfield next.  

Motorcycle Trader report on the Scout and a debacle

“Guido”Allen”s excellent report on the supposed launch of the Scout which is becoming a debacle everyday as small handfuls of machines are being delivered to some who payed a deposit […]

W. Aust Indian News is in!

  Murray Morrell has sent another 5 months of the W.Aust Newsletter to read these the link below will take you to the Section News page on our site then […]

Define Real Men.

  Real men, know the firing order on four, six and V8 engines and time a magneto with a old spoke and a cigarette paper, these individuals can measure in […]