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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

New model 2015 Harleys released

  The long awaited FatBoy model with stereo headset will be a sought after version, as much as the re-introduced sidecar versions in traditional thirties color scheme and a even […]

I was just going out to Hug my Indian when….

Hmmm I hug my Indian about once a week, yesterday was an occasion when riding to Zorro’s Show & Shine, which by the way was a raging success 600 through […]

Bikes by the Bay pictorial

  Club member Guy Allen has posted a pictorial online from last weekend’s Bikes by the Bay event, hosted by the Williamstown MCC . See it here.

Are you man enough?

The Prez Daryl Colt looking annoyed by the fact that his 13 year old daughter can start his 1947 Chief & he can’t, click the link below