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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Its time to clear up a few things

The calender is always difficult with heaps of rides or rallies, recently a few people requested that we review the amount of  rallies we have as four a year to […]

Electric start Indians

Beside inventing the modern twist grip, electric start in 1916-17 is really forward thinking & one that many Springfield owners wish that the Company had developed into the 50’s. I […]

Chris Knoop’s Film

Chris Knoop (pictured centre) rode the Cannonball Run in America last year & had made a short film on his adventure, with the Invincible JAP. The St Kilda Film festival […]

Indians at All-Brit

Indian nuts of various sorts managed to cause more than their fair share of confusion at the recent and flourishing All British Rally, in Newstead, Victoria, run by the BSA […]