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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Gypsie Tour 2013

After many repeated requests for the Gypsie Tour 2012 article to be produced, I have placed it on the  Victoria Section News Area this is a great adventure article written […]

Smoke Signals is out this week

The latest copy is out on line to some members who wish it that way, the hard copy version will hit the mailbox hopefully later in the week Aust Post […]

Lakes & Craters Rally is on again

Ian Rhook’s famous Lakes & Craters Rally is on again next February 16-17,  I suggest you call Manifold Motor Inn (Rosie) 55932 666 to book your accommodation early, this is a […]

Does anyone View our YouTube Area?

                      I have been loading a few new YouTube links on our site recently one of Mark at Iron Horse […]