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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

James is a Burt, & another Electric Starter

If you click on the above header you will see this firm makes amazing things for your Springfield Indian, how about a Supercharger kit, or alloy cylinders 84 or 90 cu, […]

“Another Redskin Bit the Dust”

I remember my father George saying this while watching John Wayne movies in the 50’s, so whats this to do with the 1942 Sports Scout pictured above?  That man Chris […]

Sunday Run review is posted & 70,000 + hits

So we hav’nt had rain in over a month, but as Chief-Rain-in-the-Face is our Association Patron it absolutely ” p….d” down after stinking hot and windy in the morning, thanks […]

Large problems with Small Fuel Taps

Another annoying problem lately is fuel taps, anybody have weeping taps, I have bought around 4 sets, original type, hard-chrome centre types, one’s with filters that are hard chrome, the […]