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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

You don’t see them like this anymore or at this price

For those of you that think your webmaster is a newish Indian owner only having just come back into them (from a long break till 2003) beside the 1947 & […]

New Badges to be Struck.

  When the IIRA of Australia came into existence we produced badges for new members 100 were manufactured thanks to Chris Horner, these were only given out to Indian owning […]

60,000 Hits and I like L/hand drive Outfits

  What more could a webmaster ask for in 16 month’s, 60,000 hits on our site. Meanwhile another couple of photo’s from Twin City Indian one completely at odds with the weather […]

Smoke Signals in your email

The latest edition of Smoke Signals has been sent to members by email today. It’s also at the printers – so the ‘analogue’ version should be mailed by the end […]