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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Rode Safety circa 1955

I have put a link on our YouTube Area for this link,there are now 64 to view. Road Safety was important in 1955 as much as it is in 2011-12 […]

Time to Extract the Digit

  There has been a bit of updating in the Members Only Area recently including the continuing sage on Timmerman electric starters, this will be soon in your forthcoming quarterly  Smoke Signals […]

Harley Owners advice

Chris Horner has sent  this link from YouTube to us, which I have added it to our YouTube Area, its very, very funny. Harley Owners advice ( Click on highlight) […]

An Engagement, Corbin & Stewart-Warner speedo supplies & job offers

Congratulations to Vice-President Mark Barthelmie on his engagement to Sandy Ayre the first of such things in our Association, I believe wedding plans are in place for middle of 2012 […]