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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Motorcycles & culture

  Chris Knoop sent us a link on The Wall of Death click on the highlight The Morris Museum in New Jersey, USA, is running an exhibit on the influence of […]

Tech Article Area is open

We have started a Tech Article area for people who sometime need some advice on repairs or mods to their Indian, this first one is the re-print of the Electric […]

Iron Facebook

Thanks to Connie, Phil, and others, we have a Facebook page up and running. It’s early days and the content will be chaotic. For those of you with an account, […]

Thanks to our sponsors & friends

The Crazy Horse Rally at Corryong was a huge success  thanks to Victory Motorcycles, Classic Style, Hoggies Country Bakehouse, Corryong Historic Machinery Club, Cudgewa Hotel, & Mountain View Motel all […]