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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Who said newer Indians are not appealing?

From our friends at Twin City Indian & you can purchase the postors  (click on each pin-up for a close-up)      

Your Preview of the new Smoke Signals next week

Your quarterly Smoke Signals magazine is out next week & we now have “Guido” (Guy Allen) as our new editor, at this point I would like to thank Chris Horner […]

nusquam aliquod bonum veri story obstant

Recently one of our members was stopped by Victoria Police, the constable on viewing the machine realised he was on a Club Permit, checked the label, the Club Permit log […]

Father’s Day Run Review

Last week-end’s Association Run to Healsville has been put to bed by Stevie Higginbotham a ripper read now on the Section News Area  Click the highlight for a very good […]