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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

A Great Link

Just been reading through a really good link which I have loaded on the Links Area its called Motorcycle Forum, probably one of the best around with a good spread of […]

A45-12 Indian OHV Hillclimber

A45 Details (Click on highlighted link) John MacDonald’s  final chapter on the A-45 Hillclimber, a very interesting read

30,000 Hits & more to come

On 03/08/10 exactly 1 year ago we took the then nervous look at firing up our web-site, some members of other clubs said it would be a “Dead Horse” as […]

1912 Indian Board Tracker & Red Plate Scheme

  Dick Grylls our N.T section organiser is having a few medical procedures  & is temporarily little worse for wear just like to wish him all the best & get […]