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Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

History of Indian Page is ongoing

The  History of Indian page on this site when first formulated seemed to me as “Well that’s all that will be done here for awhile” how wrong could I have […]

Timmerman electric start issues & a visit to Victory showrooms

For all you long suffering Springfield owners with a Timmerman electric starter we have resolved the problems, which are many the see-sawing is a major issue also misalignment of the […]

Oliver Godfrey’s 100th Anniversary of 1-2-3 I.O.M Victory

New member Guy Allen recently asked “What are we doing for Oliver Godfrey’s 1911 TT win at the Isle of Man 100 years ago” a good question not many people realize […]

Great Race dates are out

Just received the details of the 20th Anniversary Of the Great Race in  2012 the dates are 10th & 11th March 2012, so put this down as a must do […]