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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Think twice before you buy that Chief or your parts from overseas

The article below will worry  quite a few people, that have thought about importing a vehicle from overseas, that light in the tunnel is quickly coming to a end what […]

It’s wet, cold and winter, but the IIRA goes on

In Heathrow airport today it’s bright and sunny 23C and it has been like this in UK for weeks, unbelievable as it seems that’s  refreshing for me because I have […]

Indain announces a FTR1200 road bike 2019

Undoubtably you have heard by now about Indians comeback and domination in American flat teak racing, well this has lead to a roadvariant ready for sale next year this machine […]

338 manufacturer’s in USA went broke!

I saw this today, beside the British, 30 Australian MotorCycle’s have gone and 338 American manufacturers, imagine if this variety of makes and models were still about today.