A million and a half minutes is about 2.85 years, a million and a half hours is 171.12 years, a million and a half days is around 37 years that’s a fair bit of time, and its the number achieved on this website in 7 years and about 174 different countries have looked in on us at one time or another, our American friends are the most loyal next to the Aussies but then surprisingly the Indian and the UK are also in there as well, so whats next probably 2 million time will tell. Anzac Day is always a sign of reflection “Lest we Forget” 60,000 died in the Great War and over 27,000 in WWII that’s not counting the casualties, in 1914 there were only 5 million people in Australia 7.2 million now live in NSW and 4 .17 million in Victoria and 2.35 million in W.Aust, a staggering that amount that died and although we needed to fight in the Second World War to save being invaded, the First War seems to me a waste of time. Mind you we hav”nt counted the Kiwi’s in these figures and they suffered equally with an even smaller population, war is futile unless you’re defending yourself and it seems with all the “sabre rattling” going on these days people have short memories

The old saying about women buying a new hat holds very well for my mate Mark, what with recently selling the 2017 Triumph 1200 Bonneville after a number of weeks he’s done it again and bought a 2017 Dark Horse, for those of you worried about him switching brands, don’t worry he told me its better than sex on this new Chief (sorry about that Sandy). The other picture is a little ironic Philip White on last Sunday’s run to Creswick on Chris Horner’s Scout as you know he wrote off his Springfield a couple of weeks ago but he is ok, thats the main thing, the write up is in the Section news.

Steve Menneto Interview (click on link)

The new Indian Scout FTR750 was purpose built to revolutionize Flat Track racing. The 750cc engine pushes the limits of V-Twin technology and our clean sheet design philosophy ensures none of that power is wasted. A report on the weekends Hub Rally at the Southern Grampians town of Dunkeld is on the Victoria Section of the Members area and obviously the reason Phillip White’s new Springfield is now a write-off, he’s fine though which is the important thing







Indian racing comeback



The Bendigo Club has been delving into the history of Panniers

The French and English moneyed classes adopted a fashion from the early 1700s called pan- niers, a basket like contraption worn on each hip.
The first panniers were simply large hoops bound together with tape. These were known as “panniers a? gue?ridon”. A second style resembled arches springing from the waist and were called “panniers a? coudes” because the wearer could rest her elbows upon them. (The first personal armrests?) Some panniers grew to enormous dimensions until they reached six feet from side to side.

The ridiculous width was inconvenient for the wearer as well as others. Two ladies could not sit together on a sofa, or pass through a door side by side. When passing through a doorway a lady had to walk sideways until some bright spark had the idea of collapsible panniers that could be lowered then raised again. Ladies walking the streets annoyed pedestrians who were forced to go around these wide loads.

What is the point of this? Well next time you see a panniers on a bike, keep in mind the ori- gins are women’s underwear.

Recently I set out what your 17 digit VIN number meant, but what about your old Indian, this will help

Indian Serial numbers 1901/53

Steve McCulloch from Tamworth has started with the motor from the “Black Bastard” it was the engine from my 1948 till I ripped it out and turned that into the Vindian, well after about 2,1/2 years its been re-birthed into an Indian again and ready to rally hopefully at the Crazy Horse Rally at Corryong later this year. it takes a lot of time and dedication to start with bits so good work Steve. the other machine is Chris Horner’s Kiwi Indian Bobber with its new 8″ T.L.S front brake and hopefully ready for the Hub Rally in Dunkeld next week, George Fitzpatrick will have his 1944 Chief out for the first time at that event as well, so plenty of Midnight Oil being burned by various members at the moment.

After 50 years in the motorcycle trade this month I find now that all of this doesn’t amount to a hill of beans compared to the qualification below, these guys are completely trained within 10 minutes in some circumstances and are well capable of maintaining or servicing anything from a dishwasher to a airplane turbine and if necessary do surgery on your wife or even your pet!

Don’t forget the meeting tonight

Those 17 numbers on your post 1976 model mean quite a lot ever wondered why so many the reason is below



At last your new constitution is in place, now onto the association logo, these are not the final two above but are in the group we are considering, at the meeting next week we will be asking for final submissions if any, so get out your crayons and if you wish to bring out your work of art we need to see it, there is the current version and also the earlier version we first started with

#IIRA  Constitution 2016R2-1