
You have just taken your Indian either new or old into a shop for repair and it’s always cheap for you to quote on other people’s work, before you rang the shop you decided what price the job was already. Of course in your job as a head sorter of corn stalks at the Kellogg’s cereal factory at $28.00 an hour every one should work for the same price or less than you unless he/she is a rocket scientist, or a brain surgeon, a mere greasy mechanic which you imagine in another life you are will be worth a lot less so to repair a crankpin you think $250 plus parts. Wrong the mechanic is getting the same as you the head corn stalk sorter, and his boss is paying $20,000 + for rent in the city and he is paying tax, workcover, maintenance costs, gas and electricity, advertising as well as paying 17.5% loading on his employees 4 weeks holiday pay,superannuation and a nine-day fortnight, sick pay and much more I have”nt mentioned so your bill is going to be heaps more and if like the cartoon above you have fixed it yourself lots and lots more just remember that.


Thats a average of 166,666 a year or 456 a day or 19 a hour,  years ago I suggested a website for another club I was a member of and even went to the trouble of setting it up, they were at that time uninterested and it was never put into place. Some three years later they decided it wasn’t a “fly by night” thing and have now got a site set up, this was the basis of their website I had set up and is what you are enjoying now. You may think there are much larger websites like the Kardashians, or about Beyoncé boobs and your right this is a “small potatoes” website in the big wide world of the web but for a hobby group specialising in a ex-defunct motorcycle brand made over sixty years ago and only in the last 17 years making a comeback I’m happy there is any interest at all. So what happened on the website on 03/08/2010 not much we had only started the Association 4 months before and had just started organising our first and very successful main event the Crazy Horse Rally, so the first blogs were from the middle of winter and so articles on ring gaps and riders machines were in order, also the big push was for the Gypsy Tour to Perth in 2012, funny the International Gypsy Tour around Tasmania is on in 5 weeks from now. Anyway what will the next million hits be and how long to achieve it, at this point I know 171 countries have viewed our site and 50% are Aussies, followed by 21% Americans and 6% from India, UK has a mere 3% and so on. Meanwhile the picture above shows a Polaris Chief in a terrible state but it’s not smashed and the front end appears to be unbolted why?



Sometimes it’s not for a week either, many rides over a week-end sort the men from the boys. Riding a leaf spring Springfield model over 10 or 20 days can be quite wearing on man and machine, roads have improved substantially since the time these machines were made but the speed has gone up as those who ride early Indians on standard gearing will attest. Most early Indians are up a couple of teeth on the countershaft sprocket which makes the bike feel more pleasant a highway speed and cuts vibes and wear but it doesn’t help when you hit a large pothole at 100 kph and your machine can physically leave the ground!

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indian factory

Not to often you find a really good and informative website on Indians, recently I have found this one and if you click on the link below you will find a very comprehensive on Springfield frame and engine numbers, its a lot of work setting something like this up and certainly a help for restorers thanks chaps

Serial Numbers 1901 – 1953



Ever wondered about the ever so shiny military painted bikes at restoration shows I do, not enough handfuls of grit!

Army Paint (AU)

Product Code Desc’
516-31087 Gloss Olive Drab
516-31256 Semi Gloss Olive Drab
516-31088 Lusterless Olive Drab

The paint is made by Wattyl.



When I was just a lad of eighteen summers my boss David Cottrell was Australian Speedway sidecar champion on a Vincent in the Allpowers and was the same on Junior Outfits (up to 650’s). Those days speedway was at Brooklyn, and later at Avalon and Saturday nights were spent in the pits with the “Herda’s” (HRD-Vincent) getting “high” on the smell of  Castrol R40, his Triumph 650 was supercharged and it went like the “clappers” out of the gate & in this class a old bloke (probably about 60 yo)called Allan Bolt rode a OHC Norton International to a victorious last every meeting. I enjoyed watching the old bugger as apparently he started racing just after the war on the same bike and in his day was a champ, as the years passed the rest of the field just got faster. Anyway I digress I asked my boss what other brands of machines raced except Vincent’s and Triumphs occasionally a WLA Harley turned up and so did a Ducati 750 they were hopeless, he told me that in the fifties and sixties at Tracy’s Speedway all number of makes were stripped down for outfits so I must assume the Indian above was one of these, it wouldn’t have stood a chance against a 1000cc JAP or a Herda but the rider are keen with a steely look of determination aren’t they?



Linkert Carbs love them or hate them, they have one good thing is they are not that over sophisticated & even simpler than a Amal carb if the butterfly shaft isn’t worn and you have chucked the cork float for a Rubber Ducky type they will last and are basically simple to adjust. So what about new Indian’s with injection, Power Commander is one system that can override your standard injection system but its expensive and you need a laptop to change its settings. Recently I bought a cheaper version EJK (Electronic Jet Kit) for my 2015 Scout and the most difficult part is fitting it, not hard but fiddly the beauty is that after fitting a watching the excellent YouTube clip its ridiculously easy to adjust in seconds, while you ride virtually you can adjust economy, acceleration and top speed on the road, it’s a 21st Century Linkert on steroids, these are available for all Indians 1999/2016 from All American Motorcycles one of our advertisers give Ric a call 03 98793322 and he will fit and set up your late or early Indian

EJK website