A cracking Rally well supported by members who were elated with the ride to Jindabyne on Saturday. Yes the old rally was back with a bang Gary Hogg a native of the area who knows the Alpine areas like the back of his hand with the weather which  was reasonable except on the way back from Mnt Threadbo it was wet, damn wet for 80 klms, our meal that evening at Riley’s Restaurant in Coroyong that evening was 5 Star we planned the rally dates on a booking at it, so that worked out well. The short Sunday morning ride to Khancoban for coffee had exceptional weather and the misery of the day before was soon forgotten. My Vindian dumped a saddle bag at 100kph and Franco Trento narrowly evaded it on the Indian Velo which went extremely well after a airfilter modification. So to those who missed it and it was planned for over 4 months, STIFF we had a beautiful weekend to remember with mates away and now its another year till this Crazy Horse Rally comes up again it would be advisable to mark the calendar for next year.  Thanks to Indian Motorcycles for the raffle prize drawn on Saturday night and won by member Jon Munn.

It’s been along time coming but the new website is at last up & running thanks to Richard Monty from the Geek Team, the new e-mag Smoke Signals is also free to read on this site and you can see a countdown meter running to our next rally this weekend. I have to learn a little this is like buying a new bike with the gearchange on the wrong side, but if you see something that you would improve this site please email the webmaster and if its viable we can change it. Needless to say there will be changes initially happening as this is not fully completed as yet, in the meantime have a browse and I will see you either at the AGM tonight or at Coroyong this weekend.

Cross Keys

After 8 years we have decided to try another venue for our meetings on the last Tuesday of the month its the Cross Keys Hotel 350 Pascoe Vale Essendon 3040, The Pascoe Vale Hotel was to difficult to deal with and members were unanimous about a change to a different place so we will give it a try.

It’s hard to realise in the depths of this chilly winter that in a little over 6 weeks the weather will be approaching those warmer days of course we are still organising the monthly rides but the rallies are sadly missed. The good news is that by the end of September you could be participating at The Crazy Horse Rally in Coroyong riding some of those magnificent roads in the Alpine areas, this dependant on you paying your subs due by tomorrow and then entering it as this rally is only open to current financial members. Some other news is we are starting another Section in Warrigul and the first meeting is coming up please contact Mark Barthelmie 0466229747 if you live in that area and wish to participate in a few local rides.

a “real “DBD34GS Goldstar
B50 Gold Star ?

By now you are probably well aware of the new BSA Gold Star that is just being released in UK and hopefully here as well soon. It draws a lot of similarities with our brand Indian with people saying ” But thats not a real BSA Goldstar” or the other old hoary chestnut “why don”t they build them with megaphones, clip-ons and rear sets” Then somebody like me mentions the 1971/72 BSA B50 Goldstar that the original factory built and they conveniently ignore it, hmm I remember these same people in 1999 when Indian came back into production bemoaning that they were not going to reproduce 1953 Blackhawk models with sidevalve engines that sent Springfield broke the also complained about no left hand twistgrips that Indian dumped in 1948 and horror of horrors it had a hand clutch! Conveniently they had also forgotten the 3 speed “crash box” and this was one of many things that Indian decided to import motorcycles from UK and fit them up with Indian decals Indian sales battled on till 1968 then Clymer Indians were made till the mid 70″s. All of the Indian guys out there buying new product and each day more and more are on the road most of these guys would’nt know about a Springfield Indian or more or less about those other museum pieces, its the same with BSA I wish them all the best and hopefully more models will follow. click on the picture below

A few ground rules:

Participants that insist on holding their own rally by coming days earlier and not doing our full 2 days itinerary, or deciding to eat elsewhere will not be welcome it has the effect of splitting the group and encourages people to leave early, don”t be selfish by ruining  our rally by doing this, if you must do your own thing then plan it a week earlier or later, you are not welcome to wreck our weekend! If you insist then you won’t be contacted for our future events, your loss not ours.

The main reason for some of our great rallies that have been cancelled in the past is because of a few selfish members doing their own thing on organised rides within rallies, meals or negotiated  accomodation and meal prices have made these events, these have become not viable because of this, if you want to see more of these traditional rallies please support us or as previously stated Don’t enter.

So a lot of new things happening your New committee has the ever waited for updated website happening very soon by another old friend Richard Monty who created our existing one, we are looking to a new e-magazine for members edited by a current member, the rallies are completely changing and some are being re-introduced again and being rejigged to stop people holding there own rallies within a rally to the detriment of participants, our longer distance Gypsy Tours are also being looked at. An Association 18 month Calendar is being published for financial members only, so pay now. The Christmas in July party that was planned is now cancelled this year, but other types of things like this will be happening keep checking on our website, there are now 3 extra people as Association signatories so it should be easier for our Red Plate members. Finally for now pay your subs as you are all un-financial and for Red Plate owning members you are currently in an illegal position with a potential $800 fine if you continue to ride your machine!

AGM notices are currently being re-sent out to conform with Corporate Affairs regulations this week on Monday 4th announcing our AGM and it is to be held on 8.00pm 27/9/22 (90days away) at the Pascoe Vale Hotel with it will be correct Nomination Forms and Proxy Forms, please read and respond if you decide to nominate. The criteria is by the end of July all Nominations shall close but Proxy votes can be submitted up 24 hours before the AGM, then Sept 8th the secretary will advise no further special resolutions can be submitted for inclusion at AGM. You will notice a reshuffle of your current committee (check contacts page) and some new/old faces appearing, the minutes of the last meeting due to be emailed out.

And from member Jeremy Furness a good comment

Another lack of creativity shown by a small Chinese company. I really find it difficult to understand why these brands cannot design a motorcycle without resorting to this type of blatant plagiarism. Look at the logo – it unashamedly uses the Indian font.

Here is an interesting fact – the motorcycle is not actually not too bad in terms of manufacturing quality and there are even features that are not found on the Indian Scout. But Indian Scout it is not, and nobody is going to be fooled outside China.

My big question is – why do this? Has China killed off all their creativity and are their no up an coming automotive designers willing to come up with their own unique creations?

Plenty, its just all the personal things keep getting in the way and family things added, in a nutshell the website is in the process of a complete overhaul and I know you will say this has happened before and we reverted to old faithful but this time it is happening and it will be easier on devices such as ipad and iphone etc. One of our ex-members is back on board that set up the original website welcome back Richard Monty so keep watching for changes. Next our new ride Captain Dave Catterill is really going well and plenty of new monthly rides are coming up to look forward to, there are new faces nominating for the next AGM up next month and we welcome regular change for progress. There is an Association ride this Sunday so all info is down in the calendar rides in winter are planned to be shorter and start later finishing earlier of course. Don’t forget the monthly meeting tonight at the Pascoe Vale Hotel.