tanks for the memoryHendee medalsoil canIndian Beerboard track crash

As news is thin on the ground till next week when the new Indian Motorcycle engine is released the first since the famous “bottle cap ” engine in 2002 I have a few other odd photos. The collage of various tanks was done by Guido Allan and has appeared on Facebook, the next two are interesting being lubricants for the man & machine (don’t mix them up) the next picture shows a young George Hendee as a amateur champion bicyclist, man this guy has won a few medals & in those days with no drugs as the modern champions in America have been recently accused of taking. Luckily George’s need for speed set him on the road to making our beloved Indian’s, speaking of which the board track racers used to have lots of crashes with a number of fatalities at high speed, fortunately this group seem to have survived although the Indian is pretty worse for wear.

tassie 2005 085

Smouldering Embers is out on email today & Guido has a YouTube Video of his new 1947  74 cu Chief . There is a video included, thanks to Motorcycle Trader of me firing it up with the 74cu engine (I must be famous). The picture above is of my son Heath 8 years ago when we toured Tasmania on the Indian which Guido now owns

1947 Chief Link


Ian Rhook & the Camperdown lads pulled another fantastic week-end off with good weather except for 20 minutes on Saturday we had a memorable Rally, roll-on 2014. This was well attended with over 30 people plus for awhile on Saturday, Sunday was taken up with a visit to the historic clock tower to have after climbing 100 steps to learn & watch the workings of this magnificent old piece of technology thanks to the caretaker John.Hopefully we will have a full report coming in the next few days

Kid on IndianPowerplus Boys640

Kids & motorcycles, whatever the era they always love them. I remember always looking at the speedo to see how fast the machine went ” Wow this one does 150 mph” Hmmm, well as I in later years found out ” it ain’t necessarily so” the kid in the first photo is really going fast & needs shoes, a lot of PowerPlus models were sold to replace a horse & this was Indian’s opposition in the early years not H-D. The second photo is a great period shot of “Promenade Percy’s” on their new PowerPlus’s. A couple blogs back I mentioned how un-restored Indians in my opinion are not time capsules as they did not look like that new the second picture proves this point they were not rusty new restored bikes usually are safer & look better. February 9 1942 was the last year of the Sports Scout & the Indian 4 the reason was WW11 & you can see this in the last photo of the 640B’s a hell of a time for Springfield & the rest of the World

Daryl's ride 3rd Feb 2013 042Daryl's ride 3rd Feb 2013 019 Daryl's ride 3rd Feb 2013 023

 Sunday 3rd of Feb, the IIRA first club ride for the year

Daryl Colt kindly organised a great tour. We meet at the Shell Laverton out bound service station 9am for a 9.30 blast off. A great number of fellow riders gathered around wondering what was it and how can one ride an Indian Chief ? At the blast off moment Ian Rhook calls to say that he’s just leaving his home, so everyone fought hard the urge to rev up and go!Bonnie and I did back up in our car, a pleasure to see the fine country ahead in Holden’s finest. That Cheeky Mr Rhook and his trusty seven forty and a one finally putt putts into view Chitty Chitty sounds was signal to all that had there bikes to start kicking there Indians to life. Well that said the only ones kicking the starters were Daryl and Rhook as the other eight bikes were of the push button VROOM VROOM variety, stamped out on the shores of the great rice consuming nations.

The weather was a little over cast in the morning and cleared up soon enough, into this Daryl led us all into the back roads skirting Mount Cotterel heading for Baccas Marsh. Here we found in the town sporting grounds a car show, live bands and many folk. Daryl looked at his watch and aloud us one hour to have a look around, if we stayed for three hours i don’t think we would have scratch the surface. As many cars of all types kept rolling in. Our two shy members were stopped by the ticket lady telling them; “entry five bucks walking in or with your bikes love ” Both men looked at one another as if deciding were to make the first insertion in theater. The others looked at there Jap bikes and said ” nah stuff it “Finally the Harley camp was ruffled as the sight of the only Indians rolled into there patch. We walked a wee bit saw lots of interesting Machinery as we drank our coffees, the stand out would have to have been a rusty old 34 Chev lowered into the weeds copped roof that would make a midget uncomfortable running a big block truck motor straining under the wait of an enormous blower. What exhausts? only short eight inch pipes screaming look at me and the plates read WAKEUP !Back on the road again we headed for Meredith, the pleasant roads made for easy riding for the old bikes, the bush land was yellow mostly, needing a good drink from above. One road began to steepen then suddenly hair-pinned to the right to climb even higher, this would have tested our two heroes.Meredith pub was happy to see us good folk, they showed there kindness with delicious food that we all enjoyed . From here we headed to Anakie then turned to the last stop the You Yangs . Here we looked over the great land we call home views that seem to go for ever. Stevie on his trusty Bonnie meet us telling us stories of times gone by.  I kept seeing a great late Rod Leaman, for my last time at this sacred place Rod came too as back up in Ken the Toyota Landfill.Well from here we all headed for home, Daryl did us all proud a great day out was had by all, check out the pics. Sammy

James LambertBlazing Saddles!JenkinsStraw victorious

The Great Race 2013, wow what a event, Harley-Ferguson won this year, after three in a row for Indian we had to give it to them, Iron Indian Riders were competing with “Blazing Saddles Straw” on a 1928 Scout with a horse saddle (see above) winning the Slow race in his class & the 20 second time trial. Members John Gee (Straw) Phillip White, John Fontanella,Rodger McGregor, Jon Munn, Daryl Colt, Daryl Jenkins,Mark & Sandy Barthelmie,Ric Barthelmie,Robert Gosper,James Lambert, and your webmaster to name a few were all in & after 700 klms over 2 days pretty tired, weather was hot, damn hot, then rain with hail heavy enough to break Rodger’s ammeter glass, some people with open faced helmets had bruised lips! Daryl Jenkins & Jon Munn last year rode Powerplus’s this year both were on 1947-48 Chief’s, so that really affected the final tally on the points scoring. Guido Allen tells me this months Smouldering Embers is out & he will be writing a full report in the next Smoke Signals Magazine about the Great Race there is more written on this by Tony Blain in our News & Articles Area. Guy also sent me a link to a great Indian Resource from the Indian Motorcycle Club of UK I have put it on our Links Area, have a view

sitting bull 2013

It’s on again the N.S.W Section has got the dates out for the Sitting Bull 2013, ask for Mark at the Boomerang Hotel (02)6025 1711 for bookings in the courtyard there are only 8 rooms left in this area although there is plenty of accommodation in other areas of the hotel. All details are on the Upcoming Events Area, this is only a week-end event & a short trip up the Hume Hwy for a great time, book now. This weekend is the Great Race in Jindabyne run by our friends at Harley City & the Indian Motorcycle Club of Victoria (not IMCA) there is over 160 entries so it will be a fantastic time.Within 2 weeks the Lakes & Craters weekend will be on at Camperdown, we have our first monthly ride on the 3rd of Feb to make sure your Indian won’t be covered in cobwebs. This year there is another Gypsie Tour, riding the length  of the mighty Murray River, with the annual Crazy Horse Rally at Coroyong, Daryl Colt has a full calender going for our first Sunday of the month rides & our Social Sec Chrissie York has a few surprises beside the Christmas in July Event, so after doing all that my lawn will be higher than a “Elephant’s Eye” as the song goes.Don’t forget our first Meeting of the year next Tuesday Night at the Pascoe Vale Hotel. The W.Aust Indian Club has sent another 2 magazines which are on the the site in the Section News. Happy New Year to our Affiliate Club Members there, lastly 180,000 hits & they “said it would’nt last” bollocks to that it did & would be the most current Indian site with up-to-date news anywhere in Australia if not the World, thanks for all your support


Solid tyres wear well  they say, a bit more on the Ackerman wheels is on our YouTube Area. I wonder if the wheel would distort at 300+ KPH (joking)

winterfrozen chieffrozen Indian

These scenes might look pretty cold & natural if you are living in the northern hemisphere and a dose of reality, for us in the southern hemisphere they are a dream with a sweltering 35C last night & 42C+ yesterday these scenes are really refreshing!

564604313_2afacc3ff4c5387_Indian_3931651408_c77df14748IndianOutboardMotor2fishing reel

With the Summer temperatures approaching 40C & some areas 50C  time to put the sidevalve Chief in the shed & drag the Indian Silver Arrow out for some boating fun a spot of fishing perhaps, I think waterskiing may have this Indian drowning. The odd thing is that out  in the world, there are people lovingly restoring these outboards, with my views as a cynic of global warming we may if we listen to the great unwashed of the world need Indian to manufacture the Silver Arrow again because they reckon we will be in “Water World” like the movie of the same name,bring on Kevin Costner