Forty years ago I used to be a young guy in the Classic Club of Vic (come to think of it I still am but older) anyway all those old tossers in that club would talk of “the good old days” of buying motorcycles for under 5 quid and Saturdays morning AGE newspaper would be full of such treasures for the taking, unfortunately such things had altered in the late sixties and the early seventies and I must have lived in “the bad old days” as the prices had risen sharply. These were the guys that had the shed full of bits that stopped me building my bike and one day they were “Gunner” (marine term) fix them, I could still name these blokes but I won’t, some have long since died others are in no shape to repair their zimmer frame more or less a motorcycle frame. Some of their “treasures” have been scrapped, crushed, or split family’s in two fighting over the estate and even in some cases the offspring of these old guys have no interest in their “treasures” and are just itching to get rid of it, to buy a Fondue bowl or something else you would abhor. Daniel Craig (007) mentioned last week he was leaving nothing of his fortune to his offspring, seems fair they are apparently well heeled, success he says is to die and leave with nothing left in the bank!

So what do you do, easy start culling down the bikes you are no longer riding and give a new younger person the opportunity to buy your bike NOW, if you are generous give the money to your offspring or donate it to some needy cause and only that way you can be happy you know where your bike has gone

Yes folks the 3 day circuit breaker is now 8 weeks old and another 5 weeks to go, you know I hate this guy worse than Harley’s as they share a same problem, they are both unreliable! So no ride this or any other weekend and as you know no meetings but in 2 weeks or so the Crazy Horse Rally will be on for rural members so thats something to savour for the lucky ones, I am starting to wear down as there is now a plan out for the future but the unrelenting lockdowns are sending us all batty, the little glimmer is keeping me looking forward, roll on November

At my time in life important things are family, enjoying myself, and riding motorbikes, and you know what I cant do any of these as a matter of fact neither can you and double donut days are fantastic until the very next day your in lockdown! I am still lucky to be able to work after 18 months of no annual leave, not being able to see my son, and looking forward to a planned event, rally or ride seems a dream, initially it was no big deal my entertainment was limited to going to Bunnings or the supermarket but seriously like you this lockdown with no end in sight has got to me we have no idea when if ever things will return to normal no carrots with Dan the Despot only a “whack” every time. I have never been a law breaker intentionally but as of late I’m feeling like “stuff wearing the mask” and I’m going over 5 klm’s up yours Dan. Have I got the jab? well yes fully vaccinated and beside my 5G mobile improving and the CIA contacting me every night the second head is quite handsome! Seriously though the most difficult thing was ripping off the Band-Aid off my hairy arm the next morning I can only ask you to consider getting a jab if you have a un-compromised immune system get it done its the only way we are ever going to get out of this to ride our Indians or see our loved ones. The Yackandandah Crazy Horse Rally is still on my calendar for October my fingers are crossed.

4 speed Overdrive

Springfield Chiefs are notorious for a few things worthless front brakes and the engine ready to handgrenade going up the highway at 100kph, both easily fixed for under $10k the Twinleader conversions next batch are nearly ready now for 1938/46 and 1946/53 with closer to 100 sold over the last couple of years a well proven Aussie product. The four speed overdrive has been out of production now a couple of years and the production rights have been sold to Starklite cycles they are in production and have been upgraded in areas and are available from their local agent Crazy Horse Moto in very limited numbers ring Mark on 0466229747 to ensure you can order one with a twin leader.

A couple of weeks ago before the current lockdown we managed the winter rally at Echuca and although chilly we had no rain and a fantastic time was had by all as reported by Phillip White below