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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Malmsbury ride a success

Last weekend’s Malmsbury ride, to the Moto Bean cafe, was a big success. Some 14-or-so bikes rolled up, with many starting from Calder and the remaining joining us from Gisborne. […]

Aussie’s or not?

The uniforms look Canadian to me but maybe not, strange not a 741 to be be seen only WLA’s

Fournales are in for your Scout

Although expensive Fournales Australia have just released the famous AirSpring shocker for Scouts, I have been waiting since Christmas and I will be giving my results on them in the […]

Indian’s new flat tracker engine

Basically derived from a developed Scout engine to compete head-head against Harley on flat tracks, this is history repeating after big base Scouts ridden by the “Indian Wrecking Crew” obliterated Harley […]