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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Sidecars are go!

  Winter has hit with a vengeance and your bike is sitting in the shed with a cover over it because it could fall over on a wet road, well […]

What’s Horner’s Bobber looking like?

  A number of members have been asking what Chris’s Indian Bobber that he bought as a rolling chassis over 12 months ago shaping up like? Well in between bad […]

The latest W.A Indian News is in

Click on image to view The new W.Aust Indian News is in if you wish to read it click on the image it takes about 10 secs to download the […]

The Smoke Signals is out & time to vote

Lots of reading this month in the latest magazine, also the nomination form for the AGM, which brings me to the point Daryl Colt is at the end of his […]