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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Sorry, Mate I did’nt see you

There is a new advert coming out on TV soon (click on the link below) which I think is relevant to all motorcyclists, the numbers quoted are horrific but at […]


Pictures of Chris Knoops Invincible JA.P after the recent Cannonball Run 2012 in the USA, & Phillip White resting during the Gypsie 2012 from West Australia

Indian in the Chook Shed

You have all heard the story about the Indian in the chook shed (Fowl yard loft for our US cousins) & thought of other Grimm’s fairy tales you heard as […]

The Vindian is Finished after 7 months

March was a sad month for the “Black Bastard”in one cold wet week-end it was at the Knackers Yard of it’s life, I decided to bite the bullet & emasculate […]