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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

John Smith finds his Pocahontas (Tesha)

Our current President John Smith has announced his engagement to Tesha Lidden congrats to the happy couple pictured above. One marriage our Vice-President Mark to Sandy( a month ago), and […]

You know you need it

Every year I suggest that you re-new your Motorcycle Australia cover, just to update you on what they do beside providing the IIRA of Aust  with insurance so we can […]

Entries are out for the Crazy Horse november 3-6

In the past I have put out upcoming Rally entries above under the Town Crier I have put the Harold Parsons Winter Rally Form (next month) & the Crazy Horse […]

New Personal Goal achieved, over 120,000 hits this deserves a treat

I have been waiting 2 years to say we have achieved a record number of views of the IIRA website over 120,000 hits, the nearest to it  on Indian’s (in […]