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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Check those club permits

It seems the VicRoads  internal database for club permits still needs some sorting, and it would be wise to check if your club permit is up to date. If not, […]

Great Race Competitor’s ( Guido’s Learning)

Your favourite editor on the “Black Bastard” with his “L” plates after close to 40 years riding & some of that on a 2003 Chief Vintage, he’s learning all over […]

Indian Porn?

New member Daryl Colt (1947 Chief) mentioned Indian Motorworks in Boulder Colorado on FaceBook, there are 105 pictures of this guys shop & stock, man there is just heaps of […]

Forget the Midnight Express, & thanks for nothing Chief Rain-in-the Face

To prompt your memory I have decided to place in our header banner (under Town Crier) Upcoming Events this should help those of you that complain they forgot for some […]