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Stop Press Articles

Please note: The comments are the opinion of the webmaster and not necessarily views of all in IIRA

Guy Allens (Guido’s) real job

Guido’s Blogs in Motorcycle Trader ( click on highlight) For all the members that thought Guido was a male escort, fashion model or a member of the Chippendale’s you were […]

VicRoads Anomalies & Phillip White’s latest Road-test

Webmaster number 2 (Guido) has been doing some research for the IIRA & I have re-produced the article here for Association Members & others. At this time I would like […]

The Scout that got away

It seems every motorcyclist has an Indian story. Was showing off a recently-acquired 2003 Chief Vintage to a mate today and he related the story of Bob. A kindly uncle, […]

Book Format demo on Smouldering Embers area

Just a demo on the Smouldering Embers area of our site under Membership click on this area to see a demo of how this App works, you can flip the […]