

In Australia we changed from miles to Kilometers in the seventies, I believe the Canadians did as well this brings us a problem that the Yanks seem to not worry about. Starklite Cycles sell the Stewart-Warner instrument only in miles, Jerry Greer sell the Corbin in miles and Auto Meter did make the instruments in kilos for Canadians and you can occasionally get them on eBay but are not easy to find. You would reckon there would be a market for Aussie’s, European’s & Canadian’s for these to be reproduced these instruments today as with the beaurocrats getting anal everyday its hard to argue with a policeman that you were not doing over two kilometers an hour when you have a speedo reading in miles an hour and in this part of the world thats $250 and 2 demerit points off your licence! Recently I had to buy a speedo for my Vindian no option its a mph S-Warner, my mate bought a Corbin from Greer”s same probems mph, we need kilometers please



Weird Indians, this one takes the cake with Italian Minarelli engine fitted and of course a Clymer model. I find the motor lost in the frame it seems to small dimensionally, some of the other Clymer models were nice looking this one isn’t



Anzac Day always makes you appreciate what we have today, unfortunately for the sacrifices of so many. However many people still have Indians either 741’s or 344 Chiefs from the era, myself included and sometimes I think of it’s first rider during war time perhaps doing convoy duty or riding it on despatch duty delivering important orders in all weathers day and night. Many of these riders and machines were taken to New Guinea and did duty in the jungles none of them returned and lots of their riders failed to come home as well sadly, still I appreciate that we were not occupied, and I am fortunate enough to have met lots of servicemen when they were my age now, true hero’s and gentlemen, lest we forget


People forget quickly how the previous generation went about in the turn of the century, petrol stations usually sold four or five different brands, so it was possible to buy Plume (Mobil) BP-COR, Shell, at one servo usually pumped up into a huge clear glass container by hand to then be released from the pump into your tank, you saw what you were getting then. Then a quick call to the Swastika Garage & Motorcycle works for a re-paint or repair on your seat, strange to think a place like this being around today as it is as popular a name as being called “gay” now completely different meaning in 21st Century. The last Roadhouse for 750 miles seems to have it priorities in order no mention of food just liquid


The Indian and sidecar at £85 is a bargain, question here is what is a Sleepette?



Surprising how many people ask about this blog about the poor mans Indian owners our beloved HOG Riders, well a fine selection of the more intelligent owners of the Milwaukee Tractor Co.



You read all the history books on Indian in 1949 and it was the equivalent of the Dark Ages, speculation and rumours, but beside the supposed six Chiefs with foot change and hand clutch, oh also a Torque Evener most Indian buffs will tell you the Springfield factory was in hibernation fortunately no, Indian Sales was “flat-out” with Scout’s & Arrows and C-Z who latter in their life built world-beating M-X’s, the Milwaukee Tractor company were selling Hummer’s (read BSA Bantam clone) and this little C-Z would have blown the socks off them in speed and reliability. The Vincent factory parallels Indian at this time they were selling NSU motorcycles and the cycle attachment Vincent FireFly and also hoping Indian were about to order a stack on Vindians and Indian-Vincents which would save them from the receiver worse luck it was the beginning of the end for both firms Indian stopping full production in 1953. and Vincent December 1955



It always amazes me to see a Springfield Indian owner riding a outfit without the optional (read necessary) steering damper still available from some suppliers. Some fit the more expensive Crocker version but I find the standard version excellent on my C344 it seems only logical to have it on a solo as well as all post war girder and tele fork versions had a damper I can say it stops all fork wobble on a outfit and makes it safer to ride



So there are plenty of Red Scouts well in America at least, I believe the one that was going to be delivered to the owner in ACT (Canberra) fall off the back of the truck it was being delivered to on its way to Sydney. Also a picture of a gullible fool (your webmaster) on the bike he was promised in late October and never ever received, still I digress  and that’s all behind me now maybe next year. Other Scouts in history are more interesting the Clymer Scout made in the 70″s, well actually only one got me & why wasnt it a Chief and man that’s ugly, hard to imagine Mrs Clymer riding it after her $250 version from the thirties the “Universal Motorcycle with Universal appeal” powerful enough for a motor cop and light enough for a girl to ride, it is claimed well somethings have changed cops don’t ride Indians and although girls could still ride a Scout they will find it difficult to buy one!




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New leather saddlebags from Zorro’s (0433 106669) to suit 2015 Scout and earlier Springfield Chiefs made in USA and excellent quality can be ordered in black as well


Quick release Mount systems for Vintage rack $299.95

OEM mount system $299.95

Vintage rack $249.95

Tool Bags $