Although in the depths of lockdowns and despair Christmas seemed almost years away we were very limited, hardly any rides no meetings and virtually no rallies, and monthly rides were a dream so you would expect members to be “chomping at the bit” for activities but surprisingly no! The Christmas Party was cancelled due to no interest, the monthly ride to Thornton attracted 7 people and six bikes, and the monthly meeting was fairly average in attendance, excuses range from “this time of year is difficult” thats the reason the Christmas party that used to be in December is now in November and if we cant get a commitment for meals etc then its cancelled. The Monthly run was a completely new venue at Thornton in good weather and after a drought of such activities, no interest, some people say they don”t know things are happening well its posted on the website, you also get text messages to your phone weeks before etc. Lots of our rallies have been the same times for over 10 yes 10 years surely that would help plan your yearly calendar but guess what it seems not, you cannot expect all the organisation with no commitment to either to your Association or fellow members to just ring up on the day before a event and go, thats not how it works Clive.

Another thing thats ruins our rallies is that the listed official weekend 2 day events that some people that work will take a Friday off to have a enjoyable 2 days riding, this is being ruined by a handful of selfish members that go to the rally 2 days before the event and then go home Sunday morning, (packing up Saturday night) after they have had 3 or 4 days riding, this has the consequence of not enough riders for the Sunday Morning Ride which is then usually cancelled. Not good to arrive at a rally event 300 klms away and find one days of riding then the same distance to travel home, makes you really think about attending at all, personally to these people I say don’t come to the rally and run you own itinerary rather than wrecking the listed association event, is that blunt enough either that or stay for the final mornings listed ride. In the past this was’nt a problem and everybody enjoyed the planned two day Rally some staunch fellow clubman are rapidly loosing interest, myself included, if that happens there will be even less events as people will loose interest & not attend.

So the meeting is on tonight at the Pascoe V

Pascoe Vale Hotel TONIGHT for the meeting, then the ride on Sunday to Thornton, the Midnight Express is being planned for January and the rest of next year is being organised for your favourite rallies. All we require from you is commitments as thats the thing that gets us to do this organising, complacency is without doubt the most annoying thing about our Association the only way we know who’s going to a rally is by ringing the listed Motel, not good enough chaps this is going to change as we cant book anything until we have deposits for accomodation or meals. the alternative is your turned away at the event you have just randomly turned up at and not given a flying f**k about anyone else or the hard working organisers. A simple phone call is all it takes to be a responsible clubman.

Hi All
As we exit lockdown in Victoria, and life begins to return to some form of normal, restrictions have been lifted for venues, with no caps applying to the number of patrons.
This means that we can hold our November meeting at the Pascoe Vale Hotel on Tuesday 30th November at 8 pm. 
I have confirmed with the hotel and they are looking forward to seeing us all again. Meals will be available earlier, and we encourage this, as it provides a social gathering of members before the formal meeting.
This will also be our Xmas catchup, as the Xmas ride to Llanelly this weekend has been cancelled.
You are reminded that you will need to comply with the Covid QR code in order to attend the venue.
Remember to keep checking the calendar under the “news” heading on the club website to keep up to date with rides & activities.
Kind Regards

Alistair Piercy

It’s good to be free

Last Sunday was the first time since August we were allowed to go over a 25klm limit. We started out at Calder Park and surprisingly Pete Kime was there to greet us, he is’nt riding yet but it was great to see him after his recent health ailments, we progressed to Daylesford then onto Newstead for a pleasant lunch in all the weather held off but earlier on there was heavy mist and even some fog. Seriously though I would have ridden whatever the weather as were the attendees, Heath Pilgrim was off his L.A.M.S Triumph Bonnie and now on a big bike after 3 years of waiting.

We have another Rally a the end of this month at Llannely and the Christmas Party will be combined as it is a camping weekend, there is a expression of interest form coming out by text please reply as we have to book meals, if you just come you maybe turned away its only good manners.

Greater Melbourne is a lot bigger than Metropolitan Melbourne which used to be 25 miles from the GPO, the Despot Dan Andrews has lifted the lid at last and we are definitely on a ride next month, meanwhile this weekend give the old girl a good kicking (no Clyde not your missus) and start preparing for 3 months of rides you’ve missed out on. All eyes on the calendar for runs and upcoming rallies.

Iron Indian Riders Australia Covid Guidline
As Australia re-opens from lockdown following the Covid-19 Pandemic, the association recognises that we are responsible for the health of our members as we move about the community on rallies, meetings and rides. In order to minimise the impact on our members, the association requires all members attending a venue, ride or rally, to be in compliance with relevant Health Department guidelines and State & Federal Government legislation in relation to Covid Vaccination requirements. 

It seems like years ago since the last monthly ride, a bit like the photo above but this weekend with day light saving used to always cause a problem with people arriving too late or too early, this time it was’nt an issue because of lockdown. Next month though we are out of the longest lockdown period in the world and thats literally so keep your eyes open for 7th of November for a planned ride to the country.

Yes folks its happening but a few things that aren’t going to happen for us living in the city, The Crazy Horse Rally will be on for rural members only that are not in restriction areas and are capable of complying with all Covid-19 regulations. For us suckers in the city we will be organising the Teepee Rally at Llanelly in mid November after the critical 80% mark is reached. This will be fully run as per Government regulations at that period which should mean some form of vaccination QR code for each individual and will be checked before admission to the grounds at Llanelly, keep your eyes peeled for rally forms to be downloaded and submitted before entry, those who don’t do this will told regrettably not to attend.