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Diversification Old & New

I know weird when I see it, & I don’t mind Bobbers, choppers are bit past the post though, my roots lie in cafe-racers but would you say the Indian […]

FaceBook page has grown legs

  I must admit I originally had misgivings on the FaceBook Page but man that was very shortsighted, I just had a look & I’m blown away. The photos on […]

Darwin Remembered 70 years on

  The 70th Anniversary of the bombing of Darwin more ships sunk, more bombs dropped than at Pear Harbour, 188 Japanese aircraft led the attack & reputedly over 1000 died. […]

Time, Gentlemen Please

  Chris Horner has attached a Final Call for the 2012 Gypsey Tour, this is the W.Aust to Birdwood part, the Victoria to Birdwood forms will be out later this […]